Friday, January 25, 2013

Living Culture

“Culture is everything.” Culture is all around us it affects the clothes we wear to the decisions we make. It’s what we study when we ask how ancient cultures survived. I agree with outlook of culture by Aimè Cèsaire because culture is everything, it is everything that we say, do, and makes every society unique.

It is important for us to learn other cultures as well as our own culture. Understanding culture makes the world more educated in the understanding of the diverse ways of living. In history class we study and learn about tribal rituals and ceremonies that took place hundreds of years ago and today seems very strange. But the ways that we live our lives would also be strange if they were to study us.

We see this in our world today. Different regions of the world dress differently, talk differently, believe in various religions. If you were move to a new region of the world you may not fit because their culture and customs are different than what you perhaps grew up with. Today we are shaping our society’s culture and we are becoming “cultured by society.” So in the years to come future generations will look back on us and ponder why we took part in the “strange” activities of our time.

How do you feel of about culture? Are we cultured by society or is society cultured by us?